Wednesday, February 14, 2007

2005 Recas Cabernet Sauvignon

Winery: Cramele Recas
Country: Romania
Alc. by Vol.: 13%
Price: 12,29 RON (about $5)

I have no idea if 2005 is a good year, but it tasted pretty good to me. The bottle calls it a “powerful red wine with spicy aroma.” Maybe my taste buds aren't developed enough to detect the spice. I've tasted spice before, in a pinot I would give my right arm to remember the name of because it was one of the best wines I've ever had. But if there was spice in this one it was well-hidden under the vanilla. Now THAT, I tasted.

I have to admit, the Recas cab is my favorite Romanian wine thus far. Unlike many Romanian reds, it is dry. We had it with a mild cascaval (cheese), which was a mistake, as the wine made the cheese run away with its tail between its legs. We also had some good white bread, a Granny Smith apple and some chocolate – Heidi 55% cacao Dark Coffee, which was a good choice.

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